Thursday, 17 November 2011

a classic adaptation on technology, society and architecture

3dsMax, Adobe After Effects, Blender, Voodoo Tracker, Premier Pro

Kevin Macleod- Supernatural Radio A, Der Klebber Sting

[process: I created Vintage Robot using 3dsmax and paid particular attention to his UVmapping to get him looking just right.  With the raw footage I had, I used Blender and Voodoo to get the tracking so as to be able to embed and blend him into the scenes.  The scripts created out of these were then brought into 3dsMax and where I was able to start animating Vintage Robot as how he would appear in the scenes.  Once I had different sets of his animation for different scenes, I was able to composit both his animations and the raw footage in After Effects.  Much time was spent in the compositing of the scenes as layers upon layers were necessary to be able to blend the 3D with the footage.  Colour matching, and several effects of the underlayers of the 3D were also needed to get his pixel edges blending with the footage so he wouldnt appear as though he's a layer placed on top of the raw footage.  A couple of scenes were not properly worked on with the limited time I had and these are quite obvious in their difference but the over-all film was meant to look choppy and editted in the state its in.  I also wouldve liked a classic voice announcement as how it would've sounded in the 50s]

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